Monday, 13 July 2015

Accepted Papers for Poster Presentation (ICAS 2015)

List of papers accepted for Poster Presentation (ICAS 2015)

Title of paper
Ankit Nautiyal, Gaurri Mangaonkar, Sharda Sarda
Functional outcome and electrophysiological measures in persons with vestibular neuritis and cerebellar lesions
Sreevidya Sherla, P Aparna
Direct Magnitude Estimation with- Modulus (DME-M) scaling procedure in evaluation of hyper nasality in speech of children with Hearing Impairment
Sreevidya Sherla, R Sravani
The Effects of Early Identification& Intervention on Education of children With Hearing Impairment
Sreevidya Sherla,
Padma Priya D, Lalitha Pavani
A Tool for Identifying Carriers of recessive Hereditary Hearing Loss
Sreevidya Sherla,
Lalitha pavani
Communication Strategies in Hearing Impaired
Sreevidya Sherla,
Padma Priya D, R Sravani
Music Listening and its Effects on Hearing
Sreevidya Sherla,
P Aparna
Recognition of Vocal Emotions in Children
Eswari Gopakumar,
Sapna K S, Usha Shastri
Short-term audiological outcome after type I tympanoplasty: A retrospective study
B Revathi, S Sribagavathy,
P Sathya Jothi, Anna Vinu Varghese, R Sundaresan
The Impact of Hearing Loss on Quality of Life in Older Adults
Anna Vinu Varghese, Sundaresan Ramachandran
A Comparative Cross Sectional Study on the Awareness and Attitudes Towards Rubella Vaccination among the Medical Students and Non-Medical Students in Trichy District, Tamilnadu
Alphy Sabu, Cristy Mary Mathew, Vibha Kanagokar
A Study on the Impact of Severity of Hearing Loss on Quality of Life
Jasna Usman
An Insight: Beyond Hearing Aid Fitting - A Single Case Study
Jovita Priya Tauro,
Vibha Kanagokar
Audiological findings in Madras Motor Neuron Disease (MMND) - A case study
Gaurri Mangaonkar, Ankit Nautiyal, Sharda Sarda
Visuo-Spatial Working Memory in patients with Vestibular Pathology
Anna Vinu Varghese, Saumiya Salahudin
Quality of life in children with Cochlear Implants